I was last in Israel in March of 2020 when the world shut down because of Covid; in fact, I had a difficult time returning to the states at that time. Thankfully, and finally, things seem to be returning to a sense of normalcy, and I am very excited to share some good news with all of you. Israel has just announced that effective 1 March, its borders are open again to vaccinated and unvaccinated tourists! I had hoped and prayed that this day would come, and it has arrived at last, and I have some exciting news for you. I am co-leading three unique Holy Land tours to Israel and Jordan between 21 October and 21 November 2022 and would love to share these Holy Land experiences with you, but you must act soon as tickets are going fast.
Each tour is different in its orientation, but all are superior to most standard Holy Land Tours. Below is a brief description of my 2022 tours and links to tour pages where you can learn more and secure your place on the tour of your choosing before they fill.
Walking the Ancient Paths – Dr. James Tabor and Ross K. Nichols

21 October – 1 November 2022 I co-lead the Walking the Ancient Paths Tour with Dr. James D. Tabor. This tour will likely fill within the next couple of weeks. All that is required to go on this tour is a strong orientation toward learning more about the history and archaeology of the Bible. We will take you behind the scenes on this tour, exploring new archaeological and textual discoveries related to the Biblical sites we will visit. No tour can cover everything, but we will take you, quite literally, from Dan to Beersheba – and even 60 miles south, deep into the Arava, locating one of the biblical “camps” of the ancient Israelites in the time of Moses where we will stay overnight in the desert—an unforgettable experience. Click here for more information and to secure your place on the tour by making a deposit.
Tanakh Tour of Israel-Rabbi Singer, Jono Vandor & Ross K. Nichols

3 November – 11 November 2022 I co-lead the Tanakh Tour of Israel with Rabbi Tovia Singer and Jono Vandor. While there are no faith requirements for this tour, the sites and experiences are oriented toward the Hebrew Bible, Judaism, and the history of the land of Israel from Abraham to the modern age. This tour will bring your Bible to life as you walk where Kings, Priests, and Prophets walked while experiencing the modern miracle of the State of Israel. The tour highlights Israel’s past, present, and future, by uniquely connecting people with the history, present-day realities, and prophecies in the Hebrew Bible. Click here for more information and to secure your place on the tour by making a deposit.
Tanakh Tour of Jordan with Jono Vandor and Ross K. Nichols

13 November – 21 November 2022 I co-lead the Tanakh Tour of Jordan with Jono Vandor. Have you ever considered the significance that Jordan plays in biblical history? The kingdoms of Edom, Moab, Ammon, and Gilead are all located in the country that resides east of the Jordan River. From the narrative of Lot in the Book of Genesis to the conquest of Israel in Deuteronomy, Jordan contains territories that dominate the texts of the Hebrew Bible. It was here, in this other Holy land that the Moabite Stone was discovered, as well as The Moses Scroll. This land is Moses country. He viewed the Promised Land from here, and here he died and was buried. Come and walk where Moses walked and behold the Promised Land just as Moses viewed it while experiencing the modern wonders and historical landmarks that make this biblical land unique. We will also visit Petra on this tour. Click here for more information and to secure your place on the tour by making a deposit.

This is my first trip to the Holy Land since the publication of my book, The Moses Scroll, and so I am especially looking forward to sharing many of the things that I have learned since my last visit. All along the way, I will be sharing the insights I have gained as we visit places of importance to the whole Shapira story. In Jerusalem, we will visit the souvenir shop that once belonged to Moses Shapira, the nineteenth-century antiquities dealer, and agent for the British Museum. I intend to take you to the Ticho House once owned by Shapira. We will also see Christ Church to which Shapira belonged. I also plan to tell the compelling backstories of Shapira’s involvement with, and connection to, some of the most significant archaeological discoveries of all time, including the Mesha Stele/Moabite Stone, the Siloam Inscription, as well as how the Dead Sea Scrolls relate to the Moses Scroll. Could this be the most significant scroll of them all?
From the caves at Qumran to the Israel Museum, where many of the scrolls are on display, we will discuss these ancient texts and how their discovery has revolutionized our understanding of the Bible. This is all made more significant because this year marks the 75th anniversary of the scroll discoveries in Cave I. Those who join me in Jordan for the Tanakh Tour of Jordan will see some Dead Sea Scrolls on display in the Jordan Museum, including the mysterious Copper Scroll.
Whichever tour you choose, I can promise a life-changing experience. The most challenging part will be deciding which one to go on. Perhaps some of you with the means to do so will choose to go on all three! Jono Vandor has already committed to offering a discount for those who join us for both the Israel and Jordan Tanakh Tours, and we already have some who have expressed an interest in doing this. Email Jono if you are interested in this special deal (jono@truth2u.org).
I hope that some of you will join me and my friends on one or all of these Holy Land experiences. Why not let us show you the Holy Lands in 2022? Covid has proven that travel to these sites is not always guaranteed. If you have desired to see the places mentioned in the Bible and have never been to these Holy Lands, why not sign up today? If you have been before but want to see sites you did not see on previous visits, why not sign up to go with me in 2022? Don’t delay; sign up today!
Want to travel with me this Fall but having trouble deciding which tour to select? Email me (rossknichols@me.com) your questions and I will be happy to assist you in choosing the right tour for you.