Recently, I was interviewed about my book The Moses Scroll by Neal Sendlak of Gnostic Informant, with a follow-up interview by Derek Lambert of MythVision podcast. The videos were filmed against the backdrop of an ancient Judean fortress located at Biblical Tamar Park while we were all touring together in Israel. I hope you will all watch the videos and let me know what you think in the comments below!
Hello Ross, I just fell into your content on YouTube yesterday and bought your book. I spent most of last night binging your latest interviews as well as some previous lives. I always pay close attention to anyone who has clearly done unbiased research and comes to conclusions that run against the majority view in any field. In watching “Not the Ideal- Sacrifice, the temple and the monarchy”, I agree with your conclusions and obviously there’s no disputing when God says that He doesn’t want something and tells Israel directly. I am wrestling with the details of God’s overarching story in that there seems to be a continuous theme of sacrifice throughout the OT and NT with Abel, Abraham and ultimately where Paul states that the cross predated the creation (or disruption in the CLV). The only resolution that I can see between these positions is that if there is a sacrifice required by God, then He will be the one to provide it. This aligns with where my theology has landed after 50 years in christianity, the last 15 years in frustration. I see God developing a spirit of sacrifice within us, I have come to see that if God asks us to do anything, He will provide all that is needed for the task. The church I grew up in was all sacrifice of time, money, service with and undertone of guilt trip if there wasn’t enough involvement in some person’s plan. Does any of your material express where your current thoughts on the matter beyond the video that I mentioned above? I love your work and will be binging it through the holidays. Thanks for mining such wonderful gemstones through your work!